Saturday, March 17, 2012

The night Richard scored five goals

Before the Canadiens scatter to the winds, strength and conditioning coach Pierre Allard should have a full and frank discussion with Kaberle, who has two seasons left cheap nhl hockey jerseys, at $4.25 million per, on his contract:

Lidstrom is the same height as Kaberle. He weighs 190 pounds.

The Habs scored twice in the second and three times in the third.

To Bob Davidson authentic hockey jerseys, one of the loop's leading backcheckers, was assigned the task of hobbling the rocketing Richard, and he did a good job of it in the first game. Last night Irvin played four defencemen and only eight forwards and Richard appeared on all three lines. Half the time he was out there, Davidson was sitting on the bench and Richard made a monkey of the younger Leafs who tried to take over the task of shadowing him.

"See you in September, Tomas - but maybe less of you."

But the entire Habitant team looked good. Bill Durnan came back to turn in a gilt-edged performance, though the solitary shot that beat him was one of the easiest he had to handle all night. The defence played good solid hockey with Glen Harmon and Mike McMahon being especially prominent. The Watson Chamberlain-Getliffe line checked effectively and might have picked up several markers if their shooting had been a little more accurate. Buddy O'Connor and Elmer Lach turned in good games claude giroux jerseys, and Paul Bilbeault made some of his best stops at the expense of Jerry Hefferman.

Nicklas Lidstrom will be 42 on April 28, when he and his Detroit teammates are a good bet to be advancing through the Western Conference playoffs. Lidstrom leads the Red Wings in ice time, averaging 23: 56 per game.

Kaberle could carry an extra 25 pounds if he were a physical defenceman. But the second coming of Scott Stevens he is not.

With Maurice Richard giving a display of fire-power that has never been equalled in the history of modern playoff hockey, Canadiens ran rampant over Toronto Leafs at the Forum last night, trimming them 5-1 to tie up the best-of-seven series at one game apiece. Richard gave the huge crowd of 12 sidney crosby jerseys,234 cash customers thrill after thrill as he scored all five goals.

Kaberle turned 34 on March 2. For players that age, Dubé noted, conditioning is of primordial importance.

The first-ballot Hall of Famer has won the Norris Trophy seven times and can legitimately be mentioned in the same breath as Bobby Orr.

Part of the Leafian strategy was to tie up Richard. They said they could stop the Habitants by stopping him. But last night they simply could not hold the boy from Bordeaux and to Coach Dick Irvin must go an assist for the black-haired forward's great display. On the night, Irvin completely out smarted the rival general.

Kaberle is 6-foot-1 and listed at 214 pounds. Dubé thinks the defenceman is out of shape, and I've heard that criticism voiced by other members of the hockey punditocracy.

Reg Hamilton scored the Leaf 's only goal in the middle frame.

He is overweight.

Dubé cited Chris Chelios, who played into his 40s. The former Canadien - shall we pause briefly for a good cry? - enjoyed prolonged effectiveness because of a conditioning regimen that included killer offseason workouts.

Bracketed with Richard as a star was Toe Blake, who turned in his second fine game in succession. Toe also established a new mark for assists Sidney Crosby jersey, earning one on all five goals.

Defencemen who have been effective into their middle-to-late 30s have played at 10 pounds or more below the weight they carried when they were 20 somethings coming into the league.

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