Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Unapproved tattoo operation in southern Alberta shut down

Many at the festival understand the initial shock of the counterculture events tattoo machines, especially to people unfamiliar with alternative art. However they hope the public won't judge a book by it's cover. Or a person by their tattoo.

The province has shut down Sandra Wiltzen's tattoo parlour in Lethbridge.

Individuals may have been exposed to the hepatitis and AIDS viruses.

Health officials say the shop did not have proper sterilization equipment.

To see more about the tour dates of the festival super tattoo, click here.

While Rainbolt has many tattoos, Ally Mitchell only has one.

Alberta Health Services is urging anyone who got a tattoo at an unapproved home operation in southern Alberta to be tested for hepatitis and HIV.

"It's for my grandmother. She died on Christmas Eve three years ago tattoo equipments," explained Mitchell with tears in her eyes. "I just think of how much love I have in my heart and just how amazing she was. And who I am today is because of her."

"Tattoos to me signify hope," agreed Mitchell. "If I can go through the pain of getting a tattoo on my spine tattoo transfer, I can go through anything."

"Body art and tattooing has become very mainstream over the years. Some people just need to look outside of the box and realize it doesn't make you a bad person," said Garfield. "And just because somebody's tattooed doesn't mean that they are stupid. It doesn't mean that they are not intelligent. It doesn't mean that they are ignorant. It just means that they've chosen to live a different lifestyle. And it's okay."

Officials say the operator was given 30 days to provide Alberta Health Services with a complete list of clients tattoo supplies, but has not done so.

Springfield is the only city that forced festival organizers to make last minute changes before the doors opened. Due to the holdups, people who work at the festival said they are unsure if they will return back to the Ozarks next year.

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